Theology: Falling in Love with God

Written by Ricky Jones

When most people think of theology we think of books and professors. We think of big words like transubstantiation and the hypostatic union. But the true purpose of theology is not just to study God for the sole purpose of study, rather learn more about He who loves us.

Pope Francis on the Mystery of the Encounter with God

Written by Ricky Jones

Pope Francis, when he was a Cardinal in Argentina, shared these beautiful words on a topic familiar to all of us members of the ACTS community, the mystery of the encounter with God.

The Mystery of Ministry Work

Written by Amateo Seno

Jesus said the harvest is great, but the workers are few (Luke 10:3). He also said that one will sow and another reap (John 4:37). Such is the mystery of ministry work. We are called to serve, but how do we know if we are serving well? After discerning our call through prayer, opening ourselves to be guided by Spirit, performing our due diligence with gifts God has graced us with, how do we know we are succeeding when even Jesus tells us we may not be one’s to reap what we have sown?

How to Keep from Getting Burned Out

Written by Ricky Jones

In our efforts to answer the Christian call to love our neighbor, we can often become consumed in our works of charity. It’s great to say yes to God. It’s wonderful to do good in our family, community, church, etc. But it’s also important that we don’t burn ourselves out.

In Pursuing Our Mission, Don’t Lose Sight of God

Written by Jay Vela

It’s important to remember that we are part of a large community, not just our St. Ferdinand, but the world. Our Church expands throughout the world and ACTS Missions is doing a lot of work to continue this New Evangelization. For this reason I wanted to share this message from Jay Vela, the Executive Director of ACTS Missions.

Living the “A” in ACTS

Written by Ricky Jones

As we enter into Advent, a season of preparation, let us reflect on the meaning of ACTS. Do you remember your first ACTS retreat? Do you remember the way you saw the Gospel being lived out right in front of your eyes? That is what we are called to do. This message is just the beginning of a series of Advent reflections to help rekindle that fire that we all feel on retreat.

Rekindling God’s Love in Your Life

Written by Ricky Jones

Love is profound and the love we experience and receive throughout the ACTS retreat weekend is something that sticks with us forever. However, when we have returned to the “real world” we can find it difficult to maintain.

Pastoral Letter: Witness to the New World of Faith

Written by Most Rev. José H. Gómez, Archbishop of Los Angeles

My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, The world needs a new evangelization! The people of our city, our nation and our continent are waiting for the encounter with Jesus Christ who makes all things new. In every age, Jesus draws near to offer his salvation to all people. He calls: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock!”

The Fortnight for Freedom Begins

Written by Fr. Frank Wagner, OMI

We begin today our Fortnight for Freedom. I say “our” because I think what the Bishops are alerting us to be aware of is of vital importance to the well-being of our country. I share with you my homily for this coming Sunday.

Movie Review: For Greater Glory

Written by Ricky Jones

Finally, a well-made Catholic film with an all-star cast of talented actors who bring this untold story to life on the big screen. For Greater Glory tells the tale of the Cristero War which took place during the 1920′s in Mexico when the government put laws in to place to do away with the Catholic Church in their country.