Blog & Reflections
Keep the fire of faith alive in your heart. The following articles and reflections are written by fellow ACTS brothers and sisters to help you nourish that flame that you received on your retreat. If you would like to contribute to our blog, please submit your article for approval.
Lent 2021 – Faith, Hope and Love
The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has encouraged that we focus on the three theological virtues of faith, hope and love in our Lenten journey as well as fasting, almsgiving and prayer. This year Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17th and ends on Easter on April 4th. During these 40 days we are asked to […]
Staying Focused on Jesus
By Jess Flores (ACTS Brother & CORE Team Member) Greetings my dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Happy 2021! May the peace of our New Born King be with each and one of you and your families. With 2020 finally behind us, I think we can all agree a fresh new start is in order. […]
Advent- A Season for Preparing our Hearts to Welcome Jesus
The Church gives us the Liturgical Calendar with various Liturgical Seasons to grow closer to God as a community of believers. The Advent Season has arrived this year again bringing us the readings of the season from November 29th up to Christmas Eve. It’s the time of year that the Church gives all Christians to […]
Reflection: Saints and Sacraments
One of the many gifts our Lord Jesus has given to his Church are the Sacraments and Saints. The Sacraments bring us closer to God and they allow us to experience God’s love and unites us with him. The Saints remind us and help us to live a holy and meaningful life. It is through […]
Staying Connected as Catholics and Practicing our Faith During COVID
St. Ferdinand Church ACTS Community, My name is Joseph Montoya and I am a member of the St. Ferdinand Church ACTS Core Team. We are a twelve member team responsible for administering ACTS retreats and supporting ACTS teams, the St. Ferdinand Church ACTS community, and our parishes. Our community is dealing with one of the most […]
Taquiza Raffle
Let us cater your next party! YOU BRING THE GUESTS, WE BRING THE REST! Buy a $5.00 raffle ticket and have opportunity to win a “Taquiza” for 50 persons. Tickets will be sold after Mass and at the Ministry Fair beginning October 7. All proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the ACTS Retreat. For more information […]
Join us at Send-Off, Candlelight & Return Mass
Dear ACTS Community, It is time to come together once again in support of our beloved sisters who will be serving on this week’s Woman’s ACTS Retreat (May 4-6, 2018) and to show our soon-to-be sisters attending the retreat that we are a loving community. Please keep them in your prayers and also join us at the […]
How Living a Life of Chastity Brought Me Closer to God
Written by Andy Aguirre
At the age of 21, I had one goal in life and that was to meet or “hook up” with as many girls as possible, with the sole purpose of trying to sleep with them. All the money that I made from my minimum wage job went towards weekend dates. I had a nice haircut, […]
A Reflection on Matthew 25
Written by Andy Aguirre
I would like to share with you an experience I had a couple days ago. I stop at gas station and as soon as I started to pump gas a homeless man approach me and ask for spare change. I said sorry I don’t have change. I could have easily gone inside the food mart and bought him some food, but I didn’t. When I exited the freeway there was a man with a sign that read: “I am Hungry – Please help”. I could have easily given him my tuna sandwich, but I didn’t. It was inconvenient for me, to give up my money and my lunch. Later that same day my conscience got to me and I realize what I was doing was selfish and wrong and I remembered what Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew:
Mother Teresa and the Pursuit of Holiness
Written by Ricky Jones
A person like Mother Teresa sets an awe-inspiring example of what holiness is in our modern world. To care for the sick, to feed the hungry, to help the poor, and to comfort those who are suffering are all actions to which we are called. It’s not to say that we must all become nuns or monks, but we most certainly must make a serious effort to live out the Gospel, to bring to life the words and teachings of Jesus Christ. It might not be popular amongst our peers and our society might tell us otherwise, but deep inside of each one of us there lies a yearning for good and a longing for God.