After Your Retreat
So you’re back from your retreat and you want to know what’s next. You want to know what can you do to put into practice all that you learned on retreat. You want to know how you can help others to experience what you did on your retreat. You probably even feel called to serve your parish community. The options below will help guide you as come down the mountain.
Volunteer in Your Parish
One of the objectives of the ACTS retreat is to promote the active parish life to retreatants. After your retreat, you might feel called to serve your parish in liturgical ministry. If so, there are many opportunities to do so. All three of our parishes are always in need of liturgical ministers. Many people are discouraged from serving in this ministry, because they feel spiritually inadequate or not holy enough. It is through serving that we grow closer to God. Read More
Small Christian Communities
You have come to the end of an exciting weekend—a weekend spent sharing your faith. Here you have learned, expanded, and grown in your faith. You've only just begun. Read More
Serve on the Next Retreat
Now that you have experience your ACTS retreat you probably want to share it with the world. Well, you can. In fact, we need you. Each retreat requires about 40 men or women on team, in addition to a large group of off-site people to help assure that the retreat is a success. Read More
Join Our Email List
If you’ve already attended an ACTS retreat here in the San Fernando Valley, then odds are you are already subscribed to our email list. But if for whatever reason you aren’t getting any emails from us, please use the form below to subscribe. Email Subscription Form Disclaimer: Your email address is safe with us. We […] Read More