November 2015 Core Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 2nd, 2015 in Mary Immaculate Lounge
Present: Joseph Montoya, Jorge Ortiz, Anthony Reil, Heidi Rajput, Marcela Martinez, Francisco Villava, Ted Valle, Alex Guzman, Francisca Aguirre, Noemi Casteneda, Rosa Aguirre
Absent: Fr. Jack, Cece Barragan
Opening Prayer: Francisca Aguirre
1 – Song: Anthony Reil – “Through Heavens Eyes”
2- Meditation: Anthony Reil started the reflection with this song from the Movie “The Prince of Egypt” in this song Anthony discussed that the message of it is in our lives does not matter where we came from but what we are doing to be a part of Gods plan and through Heavens Eyes. The Group broke down into several smaller groups to share on the lyrics and what part of the song spoke to us.
3 – Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes: Anthony Reil motions to accept September 14th Minutes and Ted Valle seconds the motion. Minutes for September were approved by Core.
4- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:
- No Community Members present to discuss anything not on the Agenda.
5- New Business & Coordinators Reports:
- Joseph mentioned that we need to work on the excel spreadsheet so that we can keep track of incoming and outgoing Core members. We all worked on excel spreadsheet together at meeting and incoming assignments and outgoing assignments are designated.
- Joseph spoke to ACTS Missions and they will allow us to do our Training scheduled for November 14th for new Core members and Team Leaders. This meeting will not be sanctioned by ACTS Missions as they want them to attend a January 9th meeting via online that is Mandatory for both new core members and team leaders.
- Francisco Villava mentioned that she wants to schedule a reflection day during advent. Francisco feels that as the spiritual coordinators need to work and is working with previous directors to continue ongoing programs for the community.
- Anthony spoke about the ongoing workings with Santa Rosa regarding the accounts and access to monies at Santa Rosa to make checks soon to monies owed to outgoing cost associated with retreats and expenditures.
- Anthony mentioned that the past men’s retreat still has several team members who have not finished paying for their retreat. Anthony is working with David Dogue to collect the monies owed from team members who have not fulfilled their commitment. Noemi was present and she heard the importance of getting team members to make their commitments on serving on team and making their payments in a timely manner. Noemi understands that if a team member has a financial need that they need to relate this asap and not wait till after retreat or on the weekend of retreat as these obligations need to be taken care of sooner than later. Core can and will approve scholarships for team members if they have a reasonable accommodation/reason/hardship but they must ask in a timely manner so payments can be made in timely manner.
- Marcela reported that the Fall Dance was a success and they were able to raise $3002 after all expenses have been paid for ACTS. Marcela will be putting together a Christmas event at Saint Ferdinand Hall on December 26th community potluck to close out the year for ACTS. Marcela ask that she can receive $200 seed money for this event with a guest speaker in mind Raul Navarro. Jorge motions to accept the request for seed money and Ted Valle 2nd the motion. Seed money approved by all Core Members.
- Jorge reported that the MEND Clothing drive was very successful and that they were able to take two vans full of clothing as well as half of a Bob Tail Truck that was needed to put more clothing away. Thank you to all the ACTS Community and also the Knights of Columbus who supplied a lot of the manpower to help during this community service drive.
- Core Meeting was closed to just Core members so that selection and prayer be conducted for the Women Directors Leadership team.
6-Closing Prayer/Song: Closing Prayer – Francisco Villava – Heidi Rajput – For King & Country “The Proof of Your Love”