July 2014 Core Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 7, 2014 in Mary Immaculate Auditorium Room #1
Present: Azucena Bonillas, Joseph Montoya, Jorge Ortiz, Francisco Villalva, Anthony Reil, Cece Baragan, Eddie Real, Bea Rulli
Absent: Heidi Rajput, Fr. Jack, Ted Valle, Francisca Aguirre, Marcella Martinez, Joe Torres
- Opening Prayer Joseph Montoya
- Song No Song Today
2- Meditation: Anthony Reil
- Anthony started mediation with a relaxation technique keeping images of God in our minds and hearts. John 6:35 was read by Anthony on the bread of life. How can we as Core and Brothers and Sisters in Christ be bread for one and other and the Word of God as well to each other? Core had several small group discussions on this reflection.
3- Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes: Azucena motions to accept June minutes and Cece seconds the motion. Minutes for June were approved by Core.
4- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:
- Carmen Pernudi is asking for help to sell the Tri Parish T-shirts and parking tickets at all Tri Parishes this Sunday July 13, 2014.
- Rosie Cardenas briefly discussed the ongoing formation of the Evangelization formation group representing the Tri Parish and other Church’s from the Diocese at the Pastoral Center at Bishop Wilkerson office.
5- New Buisness:
- Ray Rulli is proposing the purchase of Bose speakers and since we did not have enough for quorum we will hold off for next meeting on voting to purchase equipment.
- ACTS training discussed for upcoming month in August. All Core members have to attend this training and any person interested in leading or becoming a director or spiritual companion must attend as well.
- Cece request to setup a Core training session involving understanding the Directors Manual and that in this training we go through the manual thoroughly. Cece motions we conduct this training for core and Azucena Bonillas seconds. Training will be in September date to TBA.
- July 12th ACTS will be holding training for trainers in the Rancho Cucamanga area.
- July 19th Core will be holding a Summer/Fall Planning meeting for planning for the upcoming year and end of year events and activities.
- Azucena will be putting together a Core Team Assignment Calendar and request that Jorge put on the ACTS website when completed.
- Jorge proposes that we hold a clothing drive for July 26, 2014 at Saint Ferdinand from 8-12pm this will be in partnership with MEND. Jorge motions to approve clothing drive and Anthony Reil seconds. Approved by Core for holding a clothing drive to benefit those in community in need.
6- Coordinators Reports:
- Some reports were turned in and briefly discussed during meeting.
- Cece spoke briefly about woman’s Christian community and the ongoing progress of it.
- Cece spoke about possibly starting monthly faith sharing meetings and Joseph discussed possibly having the woman meet every other Thursday and allowing the men to meet on the other Thursday so that both the woman and men not on team are being included in SCC.
- Francisco and Francisca have been in discussion with the Mens retreat director and have gotten dates and locations for upcoming events i.e Passing of candle, send off and all other. Budget has been set and the director and team leaders understand that they must stay within budget.
- Eddie Real advised that they will be holding an upcoming date for inventory for Saturday July 19, 2014 and email needs to be sent out to invite community to help clean out and organize the trailer.
- Anthony advised that after all retreat cost and payments including the repayment of loan to Santa Rosa Church leaves the ministry with $10678.66
- Carmen Pernudi discussed she still needs payments on mission of 72 and is continuing to contact those who have signed on. We are still a few commitments shy of the 72 disciples and she is continuing her efforts to recruit more to become a part of 72.
7-Closing Prayer/Song: Closing Prayer – Esperanza Ortiz – No Song was played