December 2015 Core Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 7th, 2015 in Mary Immaculate Auditorium
Present: Joseph Montoya, Jorge Ortiz, Anthony Reil, Heidi Rajput, Marcela Martinez, Francisco Villava, Ted Valle, Alex Guzman, Francisca Aguirre, Noemi Casteneda, Cece Barragan, Michael Marquez, James Forbes, Gerard De La Cerda
Absent: Fr. Jack
Opening Prayer: Noemi Castaneda
1 – Song: Heidi Rajput – Hillsong “You’ll Come”
2- Meditation: Cece Barragan started her reflection with some Advent Scripture reading from Jeremiah 33:14-16. Cece read a short reflection from Oscar Romero as well. Today Cece wants us to share amongst ourselves the goodness and affirm the various talents that each one of us on core has. The Core split up in groups of two to affirm the talents each of us has and what we appreciate in each other.
3 – Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes: Anthony Reil motions to accept November 2nd Minutes and Marcela Martinez seconds the motion. Minutes for September were approved by Core.
4- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:
- No Community Members present to discuss anything not on the Agenda.
5- New Business & Coordinators Reports:
- Joseph mentioned that the next Core Meeting and last for those leaving Core will be Monday January 4th.
- Joseph spoke to ACTS Missions and they will allow us to do our Training scheduled for November 14th for new Core members and Team Leaders. This meeting will not be sanctioned by ACTS Missions as they want them to attend a January 9th meeting via online that is Mandatory for both new core members and team leaders. Joseph has asked Core members vacating still come to help facilitate the ACTS Mission training.
- Joseph mentioned that there are several core positions that are still open and the list has been exhausted. Although our list had several community members nominated and for various reasons most of the candidates have declined. As a result Joseph is asking that we as core members reach out to community to establish committee of community members to help with the vacant core positions and help to assist with the responsibilities of those open positions that will not be filled in the immediate future.
- James Forbes was present at Core meeting and was congratulated for taking on the open position from Saint Ferdinand Men and hearing God’s Call and serving the ACTS Community. The Saint Ferdinand Women position is still pending. Henry Castillo from Santa Rosa has accepted the Core position for the Men of Santa Rosa and the women position from Santa Rosa is still open and list was exhausted. Mary Immaculate still has two women position still vacant and one Men’s position still open as well.
- Noemi Castaneda has started her formation with her director and spiritual companion. At this time Noemi presented a list of candidates for her team and would like to offer them to Core for consideration. Noemi expressed that once list is reviewed by core and pastors she will begin to make invitations for the women 2016 team.
- Noemi let Core know that her Start of formation will be the last week of January and she hopes to start inviting women to team soon so that they can begin their formation.
- Michael Marquez was present at Core meeting and was informed that he needs to start preparing the Spiritual Companion and Co-Directors selection.
- Marcela mentioned that she is trying to organize a gathering for December 26th which will be a potluck at Saint Ferdinand and the primary speaker Raul Navarro along with Desiree Osorio will be presenting at this gathering.
- Cece Barragan shared about the success of the Advent Day of Reflection and she mentioned that we had a good turnout however with such short notice it was a success.
- Ted Valle shared that they need to conduct an inventory soon and gather up things that are still out amongst the community.
- Anthony mentioned that currently several individuals in community have still not been paid due to the Bank Cards not being issued. At the moment the paperwork to finalize this is sitting at the desk of Fr. Albert at the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Anthony is trying his best to finalize this so our community members are reimbursed for their personal expenses in serving the ACTS Community.
6-Closing Prayer/Song: Closing Prayer – Alex Guzman – Heidi Rajput – No Closing Song