Tanya from Mary Immaculate
I’m Tanya Dunkin a member os Mary Immaculate parish in Pacoima, California. I recently attended the ACTS retreat and wow! I mean, what can I say? I went in with a heavy heart, feeling very unworthy, and I wasn’t quite sure why I went. I was reluctant to say yes. I was the last off the bus, and really felt like I didn’t know what to expect. I was really out of my comfort zone, but I learned a few things and these are them. None of that stuff mattered anymore. It didn’t matter my economic background, my social background, where I was with my prayer life, where I was in my faith. All that seemed to melt away. I was treated with such love, kindness, and respect and the love of Christ shown through all of the women there. If I could say anything it’s just that please, please if you’re asked to go and you hesitate, think again, because you might just get a slice of Heaven right here on earth. Thank you.