January 2015 Special Core Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 19th, 2015 in Martinez Residence
Present: Joseph Montoya, Jorge Ortiz, Francisco Villalva, Anthony Reil, Francisca Aguirre, Ted Valle, Marcella Martinez, , Cece Barragan, Monica Reil
Absent: Heidi Rajput, Fr. Jack
Opening Prayer: Cece Barrigan
Core Member and Men’s Director Selection: Today’s meeting was closed and during this process we prayerfully selected the upcoming Core member replacements and selection of new Men’s Director. Selections were made guided by the Holy Spirit and names are being given to Pastors for final approval and then invitations made to members.
Team Members request for Scholarship: Today’s meeting we discussed the request from three team members with special needs to request scholarships in partial amounts to be able to serve on team. A discussion and vote was subsequently taken after Jorge motioned to accept approving scholarships for team members with a need and Marcela Martinez second the motion with a unanimous vote to approve and quorum was made.
Closing Prayer: Francisco Villalva