September 2013 Core Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2013 in Mary Immaculate Auditorium Room #1
1- Present: Heidi Rajput, Kathleen Greulich, Azucena Bonillas, Cece Baragan, Carmen Pernudi, Joseph Montoya, Mario Murillo, Jorge Ortiz, Rosie Cardenas, Ted Valle
Absent: Danny Lopez, Larry Ruiz (resigned), Fr. Jack
2- Opening Prayer: Kathleen
3- Meditation: Joseph
4- Open floor for non-core members: Jose discussed core members’ options to opt out of their service if no longer able to fulfill the commitment
5- Review of last meeting’s minutes: Jorge moves to accept, Cece 2nd, minutes accepted
6- Old Business:
- Training for new Director/Co-directors: Carmen and Joseph state that the future trainings will likely be open to all ACTS communities in the Southern CA region. to be scheduled in the future.
- Food Bank Fundraiser (9/28/13): meeting at Susan’s house on Wed to plan
- Bunco Fundraiser: successful in raising funds for the sound system, sound system has been purchased, Carmen proposes that it be stored in a secure location other than the trailer
- Schedule for next year’s meetings: Carmen has scheduled Wed and Thurs for future team meetings, is awaiting confirmation
- Quarterly Planning & Committee Meeting: Joseph suggests January, July, August, and October for the meetings
7- New Business:
- Registration & Tags for Trailer: Carmen and Heidi will find out if it needs new tags and registration.
- Selection of New Core Members (Town Hall Meeting): Joseph discussed the qualities of a potential core member and the importance of balancing qualities when selecting a new core member, and to remember that God will qualify the called. Carmen discussed the potential availability of a list people who have been on 2 teams, Kathleen will check on that information
- Replacement for Larry Ruiz: Joseph suggests not replacing Larry now as it will take 3 meetings to obtain potential replacements and vote on them and there are only 5 months (meetings) remaining in this term. Carmen suggests starting the process to replace all of the out- going core members in October. Using the evaluations from the retreats to assist in finding candidates was discussed, Joseph mentioned having a potential meeting to get and give feedback on the retreats and potential Core member selection, rather than just relying on the forms given at the end of the retreat. Joseph moves to not replace Larry, Azucena 2nds, the motion passed, Larry will not be replaced until new core member selection takes place. Joseph moves to use October meeting as the beginning of the nomination process, Kathleen 2nds, the motion passed. October will begin the nomination process.
8- Coordinators Reports:
- Mario reports that formation is nearly done, there will be several events upcoming, the retreat now has a wait list, he needs a location for the reunion with a potential date of Oct 12. He is working on helping coordinating small faith communities for after the retreat and potentially using the Wed retreat planning slot to keep meeting after the retreat. He requests prayers.
- Carmen is handling the retreatant meal for Thursday. Joseph is working on finding a driver for the trailer.
- Fr. Jack will have 4-6:25pm adoration on Friday at MI, Sal and Joseph are going to work on getting payment to the bus driver.
- Rosie has been coordinating the offsite meetings and reports that is going well. She would like to know if additional food is needed for the reception, Carmen states that extra food is not needed. Joseph will be the contact for late retreatants. Kathleen will send emails regarding retreat events once she gets the information for the schedule.
- Azucena is organizing a women’s meeting for Thursdays possibly starting 9/27.
- Cece reports that the picnic was successful. she is working on creating a library. She is considering fundraiser for the Oblate missions. she has called and received 10 people to pledge 10$ per month for ACTS.
- Carmen reports that the Robes are in the trailers. Azusa is having men’s candlelight at 7pm at the Marywood center.
9- Meeting Evaluation
10- Next Meeting: Monday, October 7, 2013
11- Closing Prayer: Mario