Monday, September 14, 2015 in Melissa Hernandez Home

Present: Joseph Montoya, Jorge Ortiz, Anthony Reil, Ted Valle, Heidi Rajput, Cece Barragan, Juan Castaneda, Marcela Martinez, Alex Guzman, David Dogue, Edgar Gonzalez, Francisco Villava

Absent:   Fr. Jack, Francisca Aguirre

Opening Prayer: Alex Guzman

1 – Song:  Heidi Rajput  –  No Song Played

2- Meditation: Joseph Montoya

3 – Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes:   Alex motions to accept August 3rd Minutes and Anthony Reil seconds the motion.  Minutes for August were approved by Core.

4- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:

  • No Community Members present to discuss anything not on the Agenda.

5- New Business:

  • David Dogue mentioned that they have bus secured and spoke about retreat deposits which need to be made by tomorrow. David discussed that he is working with all the teams that are getting the retreat support coordination moving for this coming week.
  • David mentioned that he has 7 team members that still have an outstanding balance but is working on finalizing payments in next day or so.
  • David Dogue mentioned that Father Ayala at Saint Ferdinand does not want testimonies or anyone to come up on the Altar he does not want any separation between ACTS members and the community. We will not be able to enter with banner and as a procession.  Seats will be reserved for team members and retreatants but there will not be any procession.
  • Reunion will be scheduled for October 3rd with place TBD. David Dogue is offering the Core an invitation to join the new members for introducing them to the structure of our organization.
  • Juan Castaneda also mentioned he would like to have the Knights of Columbus to be sent at reunion to discuss the Fraternity.
  • Anthony Reil motions to accept the request scholarship for 8 retreatants and 1 team member partial scholarships and Cece Barragan seconds the motion to accept. Core accepts the motions and scholarships are approved.
  • Edgar Gonzalez spoke about the fundraiser for the Dodger game held in June. He spoke about the success of the fundraiser and how much fun the community had in raising the funds.  Edgar reported that we raised a total of $1100 in the Dodger fundraiser.  Edgar spoke about the Dodger Family Faith fun day baseball game.  Edgar spoike about how two people who attended were moved to want to attend the ACTS retreat.  Edgar ask that we spread the word for next year to get more participation from community.

Edgar talked about the success of the ACTS/Pets First foundation Golf Tournament and all the people involved in the committee to help put this event together.  He mentioned that several of the ACTS sisters came together along with several community members who donated several gift baskets.  The profits made after all expenses made we split the profits which left ACTS with $2809.07 for the golf tournament.  In total Edgar reported that with both fundraiser events we raised a total of  $4100.  Core was  thankful to Edgar and his entire team for their efforts and hard work in putting these events together and raising these much needed funds for the ministry.

  • Joseph spoke about the success of the ACTS Gala and that there was an overage of $400 that was saved and put back into the general fund. Anthony mentioned that Marcella did a fantastic job organizing this event and that everyone present had a great time.
  • Marcella mentioned there will be a fundraiser at Saint Ferdinand for October 17th for the Spiritual Companion scholarship or for the general fund to be decided by Core closer to the event.
  • Joseph mentioned that there was Bunco function that was billed as a non ACTS event with proceeds going to ACTS and Ricky Jones nonprofit fundraiser. Joseph reported that there was several community members upset after it was found out that all the proceeds were given to Ricky Jones fundraiser and many in attendance were under the impression that the funds would be split.  Joseph mentioned that we have to be more careful that next time we promote these non ACTS fundraisers that we must be more diligent that this does not happen again and that we must may it clear where the funds are going to.

6- Coordinators Reports:

  • Core Meeting was closed to just Core members so that selection and prayer be conducted for the Men and Women Directors and Core members are selected.


7-Closing Prayer/Song: Closing Prayer – Cece Barragan – Heidi Rajput – No Song Played