October 7, 2013 in Mary Immaculate Auditorium Room #1

Financial Report


  • Present: Heidi Rajput, Kathleen Greulich, Rosie Cardenas, Bea Rulli, Carmen Pernudi, Joseph Montoya, Sal Barrios, Danny Lopez, Ted Valle, Mario Murillo, Cece Barragan
  • Absent: Azucena Bonillas, Fr. Jack, Jorge Ortiz

1- Opening Prayer: Cece
2- Song: Ted
3- Meditation: Joseph
4- Open floor for non-core members: Jose spoke about the good work that ACTS is doing and the importance of follow up after the retreats, especially SFC’s to keep people plugged in. Carmen spoke about the seed that was planted in all past retreatants allowing them to participate more in their church and in ACTS functions. Cece also highly recommends SFC’s.
5- Review of last meeting’s minutes: Rosie moves to accept the minutes. Joseph 2nds. the motion was accepted. minutes accepted.
6- Old business:

  • Training for new Director/Co-directors: Joseph is working on scheduling video training sessions from acts missions. There will be a director and co-director training prior to the women’s retreat.
  • Core Team Training: Joseph is also working with ACTS missions to schedule a video training session. Rosie is going to work with her son and ACTS in TX to look at communications options for the meetings.
  • Food Bank fundraiser (9/28/13) results: Appx 2300 dollars were raised, Carmen and Sal are looking into how many years this covers for donations.
  • Registration & Tags for trailer: Heidi is looking into contacting churches regarding the tags, Danny will assist.

  • 72 Disciples Donations: 36 people have signed up so far. Cece is collecting more names. Joseph suggests asking a small group from the men’s team to help as well. Envelopes will be distributed to the participants in the future.

7- New business: Questions or concerns may be addressed with the parish pastors prior to selection in December, or during the November Core team meeting.

  • Nominations for Core Team: see separate sheet
  • Nominations for next Men’s Director: Ricky Jones, Jess Flores, Danny Lopez, Jose Cardenas, Sal Barrios, Andrew Guerro, Carlos Martinez, Anthony Reil, David Dogue, Ray Rulli, Robert Pernudi, Vince Franco, Joe Torres, Rich Abraham

8- Coordinators reports: Cece mentioned a social justice gathering at the Temple in Encino this weekend to talk about funding for immigrants and healthcare, from 2-4pm. Heidi and Danny are working on scheduling an inventory meeting. Joseph moves to purchase 250 LED tea lights to use for candle light, Sal 2nds. the motion passes. Carmen mentioned that Azucena suggested not having the alternate team lining up in the middle of the church isle during candle light. Bea reports that the women’s retreat team theme will be “Spread His Love”, Bea Barrios will be spiritual companion, co-directors have been selected, there will be a meeting of intent Oct 10, or Nov 14, Return mass and the hall have been reserved, commissioning mass has been scheduled. She has been working with her leadership team since September. Joseph would like the core to describe the selection process to the women interested in participating on team. Mario gave a briefing on the men’s retreat and the opportunities for the retreatants who have returned such as Wed. meetings for the men, and Monday WFC meetings. The reunion will be this Sat. Service opportunities will be presented to the men at the reunion. Mario also suggests continuing to offer series from the “word on fire” such as the “Catholicism series.” He emphasizes communicating well throughout formation to team and community especially as team spots become limited. Joseph asks that the meetings be placed on the calendar. Cece suggests having table leaders be responsible for bringing retreatants to future meetings. Having speakers come to present to the community was suggested, Sal recommends having the Jessie Romero come and speak on the bible. Cece suggests having one of the priests come and speak. Crocheters for Christ is having another 4 week session starting this week. Joseph suggests having an additional meeting for the 3rd Monday of Nov. 18th to address additional business.

9. Announcements: Next Meeting on November 4, 2013 and Nov 18th
10- Song: Ted
9- Closing Prayer


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