November 4, 2013

Financial Report



  • Present: Azucena Bonillas, Kathleen Greulich, Cece Baragan, Carmen Pernudi, Jorge Ortiz, Heidi Rajput, Ted Valle, Rosie Cardenas, Sal Barrios, Bea Rulli, Joseph Montoya (on skype)
  • Absent: Danny Lopez, Fr. Jack

Opening Prayer: Carmen
Song: Ted
Meditation: Cece
Review of Last Week’s Minutes: Jorge moved to accept, Azucena 2nds, the motion passed, minutes accepted.

Open Floor for Non-Core Members

  • Tina Caranza states that the ACTS retreat was a good experience for her and her family.
  • Ethel Palacios is also excited to be present for the meeting. She states that God qualifies the chosen, and encourages prayer for the candidate selection process.

Old Business

  • Training Dates: Joseph is working on dates for the directors training and suggests inviting potential team members.
  • Room Availability for Core: starting Jan 4 will be 7-9pm in Aud 1 for the 1st Monday of each month.
  • 72 Disciples: Carmen reports that is going well and approximately $400 has been raised. Sal requests clarification for the $$ collected for this: 4000 for 1/2 scholarships (2000 for men’s retreat, and 2000 for women’s retreat), 1500 for core expenses, 1500 for retreat budget for each team. Joseph reports that scholarships can be for team or retreatants, and applicants will need to be approved by core and the priests.

New Business

  • Discussion of Nominees for Core and Men’s Director: Joseph suggests that core members and core nominees may find it difficult to be on a retreat team while serving on core. Rosie asked for clarification of the process for confirming or denying candidates. Joseph states that personal concerns can be brought to the priests, and general concerns discussed in the meeting can be voted on. It was mentioned that the nominees should be discussed at the core meeting and potentially with the priests prior to calling them to accept the nomination for core team. It was discussed that it may be necessary to accept nominees who may have only been on 1 retreat team due to a lack of nominees- the pastors will be consulted regarding this. Azucena moves that the core 1st have a discussion regarding the nominees qualifications at a core meeting then submit the names to the priest and then once accepted by the priests be called to receive the nomination, no vote was taken. Rosie discussed the importance of prayer while looking at the qualities that the humans are able to provide. The candidates were discussed and concerns were raised, the concerns will be discussed with the pastors. Tina suggests having patients, love, understanding, and tolerance for the candidates. Heidi encourages trusting the Holy Spirit for the selection process.
  • Female Core Nominees:
    • Mary Immaculate: Amanda and Rosa Franco; Santa Rosa: Cindy Estrada, Lillian Elsey.
    • St. Ferdinand’s: Alma Ortega, Bea Rulli, Ethel Palacios have said yes to women’s core nomination request.
    • Santa Rosa: Stephanie Barajas is suggested for a nominee.
  • Male Core Nominees:
    • Mary Immaculate: Vince Franco, Francisco Viallva
    • St. Ferdinand: Carlos Martinez, Jose Cardenas, Joe Torres, Ray Rulli, Eddie Real said yes to men’s core nomination request.
  • Men’s Director Nominees: Joe Torres, Carlos Martinez, Sal Barrios have said yes to the nomination Ricky Jones and Raj Rajput will be added.
  • Committee Meeting: Nov 18- 7-9pm at MI Aud 1
  • Other ACTS Fundraisers: Fundraisers will be discussed at the Nov 18 meeting. Azucena has some items to sell and would like to know what to use the money for. Rosie asked to clarify future fundraisers and the use of proposals for having them. Joseph states that donations can be made at any time, but if an ACTS event raises money as a fundraiser it must be set up through the proposal process. He suggests that only the funds that are needed should be asked for. Moneys collected at the end of each retreat from retreatants will be given to San Antonio ACTS missions and should be requested as such at the end of the retreat.
  • Fr. Tom at St. Ferdinand’s is having his 40th anniversary: and St. Ferdinand’s would like ACTS to help with the reception set u and clean up. Dec 17 after the 7:30 mass. Rosie moves to support this event Jorge moves to accept, Ted 2nds motion passed. ACTS will help with the event.
    coordinators reports: Heidi suggests Sat Nov 23 at 8am as a potential date for an inventory day. Carmen and Joseph will finalize dates for core and director training. Bea is working on organizing a concert for camp Scott.

Next Meeting: Dec 2- director and core members will be selected


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