November 18, 2013 in Mary Immaculate Auditorium Room #1

Present: Kathleen Greulich, Azucena Bonillas, Jorge Ortiz, Carmen Pernudi, Joseph Montoya, Heidi Rajput, Ted Valle
Absent: Rosie Cardenas, Cece Baragan, Danny Lopez, Fr. Jack

1. Opening Prayer: Joseph

2. Committees:

  • Joseph explained the process for the meeting and the formation of committees, with the goal being to have the committees running by January.
  • New Committee (Reach Out) for anyone needed prayer i.e. illness, bereavement, addiction, separation/divorce, etc. Jorge, Carlos, Andy, Jess and Joe T. have shown interest, Jorge will contact them. Potential ideas include contacts being posted on the website, using business cards, and potentially calling it the ‘ACTS prayer support group’
  • Monthly pilgrimage, Carmen, Garrard Delacerda, including monthly masses, will start in Jan. on the 1st Sunday at Santa Rosa at 9am, Feb. the 2nd Sunday at MI at 10am , March the 2nd Sunday at noon at St. Ferdinand’s, April the 4th Sunday at a church TBD
  • Small Christian Communities: Jess and Joe T have shown interest in the committee, Ricky, and Carmen are looking to form a SFC for Glendale, Pasadena, LA, Burbank members. WFC 2nd and 4th Mondays, Joe T. has a SFC on Mondays, the acts men are meeting on wed’s and the acts women on thurs’s. retreat table facilitators will also be asked to lead SFC’s for their tables after the retreats starting with the next women’s retreat. Carmen suggests re-starting the family rosary. Joseph suggests a bi-annual gathering for the surrounding communities with ACTS to get together.
  • Communication committee- it is proposed to have some community members assist with web management. Ricky may be a resource for this.
  • Social Justice, Cece B, and Cici have shown interest in helping with healthy way La, food pantry
  • Retreat Support: to assist with passing of the candle, sendoff, adoration in the parishes during the retreat, return reception. to begin in January. It was proposed to have a prayer support group for the team in formation with community prayer partners.
  • Theology: help is needed for events offered- such as the Easter series which was offered last year. Joseph suggests having David Kauffman come for a music and reflection at lent. day retreats, day classes, speakers, Heidi suggests viewing the bible TV series 1x/month, or near advent or lent. Catholicism and conversion series from Fr Baron. Prayer and life workshops. adoration with reflection on a wed at Santa Rosa or Fri St Ferdinand’s .
  • Fundraising (72 Disciples): Joseph explained the purpose of the 72 disciples, to decreased cost for team by raising sufficient funds for the retreat supplies and operating expenses so that team only has to pay for the retreat itself for each member without the teams needing separate fundraisers for the retreat. Sal and Carmen are interested in helping and are looking into how to get the information on the website
  • Fr. Stan has asked ACTS to help raise funds for the hall.

3. Announcements: Dec 2 will be the next meeting for director and core selection

4. Closing Prayer


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