March 4, 2013 Core Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 4, 2013
1- Introductions
- Present: Deysi Martinez, Kathleen Greulich, Azucena Bonillas, Cece Berragan, Larry Ruiz, Rosie Cardenas, Carmen Pernudi, Sal Barrios, Jorge Ortiz, Heidi Rajput, Danny Lopez, Joseph Montoya, Fr.Porfirio
- Absent: Fr. Frank
To begin the meeting the members spent 5 min introducing themselves to another member on the core team.
2- Meditation: a few moment of silence
3- Opening Prayer: Joseph: a reading from Acts
Song: “The basin and the towel” by Michael Card
4- Prayer Exercise: Jorge explained that he selected 2 scripture passages: including the parable of the splinter and the beam in the eye to encourage the building of community through love.
5- Review of Last Month’s Minutes: Joseph moves to approve, Azucena seconds. Minutes accepted.
6- Open Floor for Non-Core Members: Robert Pernudi found a location where the Acts polos can be ordered for 36$, all 3 shirts in a unisex size, women have the option to bring their own shirt to be embroidered for 5 $. The minimum order for the shirts is 42. Joseph moves to reimburse Robert for the shirt pre-order, Jorge seconds, and it passed. The women’s team will then return the money, to core, collected from the shirts ordered for team. Larry suggested that t-shirts may also be an option in addition to the polos.
7- Old Business:
- Dates for 2014 Retreats: Joseph will call and obtain dates for a women’s spring retreat and a men’s retreat in the fall.
- Fundraisers: The women’s team had a baked good fundraiser on Ash Wed and will have an arts and crafts fundraiser at MI on Sunday March 10. Rosie described Hope of the Valley mission which provides housing and clothing to needy families, they will send a truck to be filled with bags of usable clothing, shoes, hats, and blankets, if the truck gets filled $1000 will be donated to ACTS. Cece had the following ideas for fundraising: bowling , going to the Hollywood bowl, parking lot movies/ family night; for the purpose of building family and community in addition to raising funds. Deysi is planning fundraisers for March 17 at Santa Rosa to sell arts and crafts, and March 24 at St. Ferdinand’s to sell Menudo.
- Easter Series: It was brought up to put the Easter series in the bulletins for the parishes, Fr. Porfirio states this may have already been done.
- Core Team Training: Carmen reports that on June 1, 2013 a course will be held for all Southern CA ACTS core teams, Location is TBD.
- Man candidate for Core from MI: Joseph suggested that Vince Franco, and Carmen suggested that Mr. Martinez (Deysi’s husband) be asked. Joseph suggests that if no candidate is found or agreeable that we ask for nominations from the St. Ferdinandes, and meet in 2 weeks March 18th to select the new member.
8- New Business:
- Selection of Men’s Retreat Director: Nominees suggested: Ricky Jones, Carlos Martinez, Mario Murillo, Anthony Reil
- Directors feedback Dec 2012 Men’s Retreat: Carmen states: directors will be chosen about 5 months prior to the retreat, team members may be chosen by invitation with a goal of 1/3 seasoned, 2/3 new- according to the manual. Deysi asked what will be done if people want to serve and are not invited. Joseph suggests directing those people to the retreat director. Rosie suggests getting to know future team by attending the Acts social events. For directors’ financial need, Joseph suggests that a schedule be used for payments. Onsite set up for retreat events was discussed to try and include all team members in and minimize set up time that takes team away from the retreat.
- Growing in Faith: Danny presented “Growing in faith” a 2 page paper on Catholic faith that can be purchased as an option for potential use as a handout or email for ACTS retreatants or parishioners in the bulletin, or for use on the website for acts and the parishes. Carmen requests that Danny speak with the pastors regarding it. Rosie suggests finding out about pricing and numbers of copies used.
9– Facilitators Report:
- Deysi for the Women’s Retreat Team: Send off from MI, Auditorium room 1. Return mass at Santa Rosa at 2pm bi-lingual, with reception options being discussed for the benches outside the hall or Fr. Simone center.
- Kathleen is working on sending emails.
- Azucena is looking into keeping the Auditorium after the retreat meetings are done to continue to have faith sharing on Thursdays.
- Larry and Rosie will coordinate send off and candle light.
- Rosie would like to begin meeting with people who would like to help with off site.
- Sal gave the financial report. He suggests that funds raised by the retreat team for the retreat be kept by the retreat directors and a summary for the core.
- Carmen suggests using 2 people verify fund use.
- Jorge asks for prayers for community and the women’s team.
- Joseph passed out a sheet for prayer and food sign up, and suggests a core retreat for the end of April, possibly May 4th. He suggests using a form for proposals, recruiting people for small faith communities, forming committees to run activities such as fundraisers and community events. Small faith communities were discussed including the need for community groups for ACTS members only and for the general community.
- Heidi and Danny summarized the inventory and color coded the supplies for easy use.
- Carmen reports that core has responded to a letter with concerns about fundraising and scholarships.
- Fr. Porfirio asked if ACTS would like to prepare the St. Ferdinand picnic.
10 – Meeting Evaluation: skipped in interest of time
11 – Next Meeting: April 1, 2013– additional meeting March 18th
prayers: open: closing: snacks: drinks: Song: per sign up sheet
12- Closing Prayer: Cece