Monday, March 3, 2014 in Mary Immaculate Auditorium Room #1

Present: Azucena Bonillas, Francisca Aguirre, Mandy Franco, Heidi Rajput, Cece Baragan, Eddie Real, Joseph Montoya, Marcella Martinez, Jorge Ortiz, Ted Valle, Francisco Villalva, Anthony Real, Joe Torres, Bea Rulli
Absent: Fr. Jack

1- Opening Prayer Lydia Carrizosa

  • Song  Heidi Rajput (Come To Jesus – Josh Blakesley)

2- Meditation: Joseph

  • Reading from the book of Job and how we must prepare ourselves for Lenten preparations and how it will also prepare us to serve on Core.  The Core members shared on what things they plan on doing for Lent and the things that will correlate with what they will be doing while serving on Core.

3- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:

  • Carmen Pernudi: Carmen expressed concern that the dates for our retreats where not on the ACTS Mission website and request that we contact them to post our dates.
  • Rosie Cardenas:  Rosie Expressed that a group of ACTS community members are going to Religious Congress in March and she wants to invite community to join the group and wear their red ACTS shirts for the event.
  • Request was made to add dates for passing of Candle to the ACTS Website and Calender.


4- New Buisness:

  • Family Rosary Night was suggested to Joseph from Susan Castillo that it be brought back.
  • Joseph is advising that small faith communities need to be worked on some more.
  • Cece Barrigan moves that Core pay for copies of directors manual to have at hand and Ted Valle seconds the motion.  
  • Collection and outreach for the 72 Disciples needs to be worked on so that we can reach out and collect to help for future retreats and scholarships.
  • Send off  location will need to be changed as Mary Immaculate is no longer available, possible considerations are Saint Ferdinand or Santa Rosa (Father Simon Center) last resort.
  • Joseph advised Bea Rulli that her and her team need to let the Core know who they want to use for Candle light for readings.  They need to let Cece and Francisco know beforehand otherwise Core will assign readings to spouses and others per the Directors Manual.
  • Womans Director Bea Rulli is suggesting that they change the location of their foot washing and that they want to do what San Antonio did at her retreat.  Joseph mentioned that he has concerns deviating from the ACTS script in the Directors Manual.  Long debate and conversation ensued and Azucena motioned that we take a vote on the matter.  Anthony Reil seconded the motion and subsequently it was voted down by 2-10 votes that they use the script of foot washing and not to deviate from the Directors Manual.

6- Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes: There was not enough time to take vote on Minutes Approval so will postpone for April 7, 2014 meeting.
7- Coordinators Reports: All reports were turned in on time and submitted to Core and Community at meeting.  Reports will be posted along with minutes to ACTS Website.

8-Closing Prayer/Song: Francisca Aguirre and Closing Song Heidi Rajput