June 2013 Core Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2013
Present: Larry Ruiz, Kathleen Greulich, Sal Barrios, Cece Barragán, Azucena Bonillas, Mario Murillo,
Carmen Pernudi, Joseph Montoya, Rosie Cardenas, Danny Lopez, Jorge Ortiz, Ted Valle, Heidi Rajput
Absent: Fr. Frank Wagner, Fr. Jack Curran
1- Opening Prayer: Sal
2- Song: Ted
3- Meditation: Mario
4- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:
Ricky sent a message regarding small faith communities and suggests publicizing them more, and emphasizing personal invitation and advance planning to increase the participation in the communities.
Carlos sent a message regarding helping with the food pantry by grouping people to participate. He also is concerned about the bus service for the men’s retreat, and inviting people to the triparish picnic.
Mario mentioned that the men’s team will be offered opportunities for service at their team meetings.
Several members spoke about a lack of communication for the food pantry and small faith community events.
Lydia also spoke about concerns communicating about small faith communities. Jorge plans to work on getting information out through email and phone messages to the ACTS community in addition to planning small faith communities. He mentions that opportunities can be presented but individuals cannot be forced to participate. Danny also spoke about the importance of maintaining a connection with the retreatants after a retreat. Heidi suggested having 2 retreats per year. Joseph suggests that instead of the core planning everything that other people can be recruited to assist with small faith communities, and other ACTS events to try and increase the events available. Azucena mentioned that the women have been meeting as a community on Thursdays. Danny suggests that methods of communications should be discussed. Larry spoke about the Warriors for Christ Fellowship meetings and that timing is difficult. Carmen states the small faith communities are ment to be groups of people with something in common together to share their faith and participate in service opportunities. Jose spoke about the potential need to reach out to those ACTS members who have left ACTS and the church. Joseph proposes a meeting in 2 weeks for the purpose of inviting potential committee leaders. Jorge motions to have the additional meeting, Rosie seconds. There will be a meeting in 2 weeks at 6pm
5- Review of last meeting’s minutes: Carmen moves to accept, Joseph 2nds, minutes
6- Old business
Review/approval documents presented by Joseph: Calendar: for ACTS core and ACTS retreat directors Jorge moves to accept, Danny seconds, majority agree, motion passed.
ACTS Vision Strategy- Joseph reviewed the vision statement ideas generated at the ACTS core retreat. Danny and Carmen suggest more meetings to get the vision statement done. Rosie moves that the core meet quarterly to work on the vision or other events as needed, Danny 2nds, the motion passed. July 20th with be the meeting date.
Nominations for next Women’s director. Frascisca Aguirre, Laura Asencion Real, Bea Barrios, Rosemary Moreno were nominated from an email requests , more nominations will be collected at the women’s gathering on June 22.
7- New business: Joseph suggests that each core member submit a report 1 week prior to the core meeting Carmen moves to accept the motion, Danny 2nds, motion accepted.
8 – Coordinators report.
Cece spoke about the potential for a library, and the Hollywood Bowl event. She states that the Tri Parish picnic will be Aug 25th, the next planning meeting will be June 18th at 7pm. Cece and Laura Ascencion are looking into a possible bowling night.
Danny reported on the bulletin hand out costs being potentially $600 monthly for both Spanish and English copies to be placed in the bulletins. He will contact the pastors.
Mario suggests using it as a method of communicating to the community in addition to the content of the handout. Joseph suggests discussing this at the next meeting.
Sal states that he was informed of 2 retreatants that are requesting reimbursement for not attending. Carmen moves to return the 120 dollars to the retreatants not in attendance, majority vote agreed, the motion passed. Sal obtained an excess of funds from the women’s retreat which will be placed into the general fund. Sal gave the financial report for the women’s retreat and the general budget. Sal will provide the financial reports for posting on the website.
Heidi and Danny have created a sign out sheet for ACTS supplies.
Azucena will contact table leaders and work on small faith communities.
Rosie will set up a meeting with the men’s team to coordinate offsite events.
Kathleen is working on emails and online communication.
Carmen mentioned that Ron Mouzis is requesting payment for some shirts that were lost, she will provide Sal with the receipt. Joseph moves to reimburse Ron, Larry seconds, a vote was taken, and the movement passed. Ron will be reimbursed. Carmen mentioned that letters were mailed to core members by Fr.Ron.
Mario and Rosie spoke about the commissioning mass and the town hall training this past weekend. Mario states that the men’s team is running on schedule and requests prayers for the retreat. Several members suggest having adoration during this next retreat for the community.
9- Closing Prayer: Danny