Monday, June 1, 2015 in Mary Immaculate Rectory Library

Present: Joseph Montoya, Jorge Ortiz, Francisco Villalva, Anthony Reil, Francisca Aguirre, Ted Valle, Heidi Rajput, Cece Barragan, Alex Guzman, Monica Reil, David Dogue

Absent:   Fr. Jack, Marcela Martinez

Opening Prayer:  Francisca Aguirre

1 – Song:  Heidi Rajput  – Matthew  Redman “Blessed Be Your Name”

2- Meditation: Jorge Ortiz spoke a little about the need for more unity among Core and Community to work together for the Glory of God.  Jorge Read the Gospel of Matthew 7: 1-5 which spoke about the splinter in our eye and that of our brother.  After this reading Jorge shared how we must have an examination of our conscious so that we can better minister to each other on Core and Community so that we can be more united and charitable in the ways we work together in unity.  The core and community that was present participated in open table sharing on how we can be more united.

3 – Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes:  Joseph motions to accept May 4th Minutes and May 12th Special Minutes and Heidi Rajput seconds the motion.  Minutes for May were approved by Core.

4- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:

  • Rosie Cardenas came to share about an 8 week prayer program that is called Oremus and she would like to let Core know that this is something she will be facilitating and just wanted to let Core know that they were going to open this up to community in the future.
  • Ted Valle was communicating for Raj Rajput that he would like to put toghter a family fun day for community and would like to put something together for summer.
  • Edgar wanted to let Core know that the Dodger Game is set for June 10th and that there are 74 familys going.  August 22nd will be the next Dodgers game and will be a family fun day which will be $11 a person and will be a day game and should not conflict with the ACTS Gala Dance.
  • Jose Cardenas shared that we need to work more on priest involvement to walk with Core and this community. Jose shared that as of late the spiritual advisor for Core has not been able to attend the Core meeting but we should check in with the Pastors with more frequency.

5- New Business:

  • Cece wanted to let Core know that Fr. Stan has advised Cece that due to the oil spill in Santa Barbara we should hold off for holding it in Ventura. The recommendation was that we move the picnic to a closer location and perhaps move it to a Saturday instead of Sunday so there is more participation.
  • Edgar presented to Core his latest report for the Golf Tournament and so far he has 54 participants signed up and the date for the Tournament is August 17th it will be $135 per person and
  • Joseph advised that July will be the next community fun event and Raj Rajput will be the Chairing this event.
  • Marcela is reporting that they have collected $1620 for the mission of the 72 disciples and that they are ongoing in collecting more money. She is being helped by Melissa and so far they are increasing in numbers.
  • Marcela reports that they have sold several tickets for the ACTS Gala Anniversary Dinner and the event is moving along and so far the participation is growing.
  • Our next Community Mass will be at Saint Ferdinand on June 14th and Jorge will be posting it up on website soon.
  • Monica reported that the women’s retreat went really well and that she was very appreciative of the team members that although were small in number really did a fantastic job. Monica shared that Fr. Hon helped with adoration and in several capacities during the women’s retreat that fell outside of the scope of his duties at retreat center.  Hon advised Monica that a small stipend for his services to women’s retreat be made payable to him.  Joseph will have a conference call with Francisca and the retreat center regarding the plumbing problems and regarding Fr. Hon stipend.
  • Carlos Martinez expressed that during send off there was a problem with an incoming ministry that demanded that ACTS leave the Hall before the scheduled time and the brother was un-charitable in the way he treated the people in leadership at send off.
  • Anthony shared that he would like a meeting on June 15th with women’s team and all off site to discuss budgets and all receipts that need to be turned in. Anthony shared and proposes that Core hold a secondary monthly meeting for chairmen or peoples that will be heading upcoming committees.  Anthony motions to accept a move for secondary meetings and Francisca seconds motions.
  • Joseph Montoya had a list of nominations for upcoming Core vacancies made by community at this weekend’s women’s welcome back Mass. Joseph asked that Jorge send an invitation to ACTS community for nominations for ACTS Core members and Men and Women Directors for upcoming year.




6- Coordinators Reports:

  • There were very few Coordinator reports sent and Joseph talked to Core about turning in our reports or discontinuing the reports. Core decided that they will continue to send reports a week before meeting so that they can be reviewed.
  • Core Meeting was closed to just Core members so that the list can be discussed with the men’s team list for upcoming retreat.


7-Closing Prayer/Song: Closing Prayer – Jorge Ortiz – Heidi Rajput – No Song Played