July 2013 Core Meeting Minutes
July 1, 2013 in Mary Immaculate Auditorium Room #1
Present: Danny Lopez, Kathleen Greulich, Fr. Frank, Sal Barrios, Carmen Pernudi, Cece Baragan, Rosie Cardenas, Mario Murillo, Azucena Bonillas, Heidi Rajput, Jorge Ortiz, Ted Valle
Absent: Larry Ruiz, Joseph Montoya, Fr. Jack (present at end of meeting)
1- Opening Prayer: Rosie
2- Meditation: Jorge
3- Open floor for non-core members: Carlos sent a message regarding the St. Ferdinand picnic, he would like to have a potluck for the ACTS community to encourage unity.
4- Review of last meeting’s minutes: Jorge moves to accept, Azucena seconds, minutes accepted.
5- Old business:
ACTS Vision Strategy working meeting 7/20/13 at 9am to noon at Rosie’s house.
Growing in Faith: Danny spoke to Fr.Victor regarding getting the parish to assist with finances, he is unable to assist at this time. ACTS would have to pay for the subscription and the copies. The group discussed the potential financial burden of making copies and paying for the subscription vs the potential evangelization effects of having a handout in the bulletin vs finding other less expensive options to reach out to people.
Selection of next Women’s director to be done in August. Nominees: Francisca Aguirre, Santa Rosa. Laura Ascencio-Real, St. Ferdinand. Bea Barrios, Santa Rosa. Rosemary Moreno, St. Ferdinand. Also nominated: Monica Reil, Susan Castillo, Alma Ortega, Diane Vialobos, Carmen Torres.
6- New Business:
Rosie asked if the $1000 was received for the clothing fundraiser, Sal reports that it was and should be in the financial report.
Pre-Chapter organization
Fundraising: Joseph suggests in his coordinators’ report that we use the mission of 72 to collect $10 per month from 72 people ACTS should have enough monies to operate for the year. Cece suggests that the core team participate in making the donations and collecting donations. A potential difficulty was mentioned that a charitable ID is needed and a way to collect the funds is also needed. The pastors will be consulted regarding this issue. Having a committee to initiate fundraising in this manner was suggested, the topic will be discussed at future meetings.
8 – Coordinators Report: Seperate documents available by request.
Mario reviewed the men’s retreat update with regard to what the men’s retreat team has been doing and is scheduled to do in the near future.
Jorge summarized his efforts regarding small faith communities.
Cece suggested having a breakfast for a small faith community.
Carmen suggests using a personal invitation to help get people engaged in small faith communities.
9- Next Meeting: August 5 , 2013
10- Song: Ted
11- Closing Prayer: Cece