January 2015 Core Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 5, 2015 in Saint Ferdinand Annex Office
Present: Joseph Montoya, Jorge Ortiz, Francisco Villalva, Anthony Reil, Francisca Aguirre, Ted Valle, Marcella Martinez, Heidi Rajput, Cece Barragan, Fr. Jack, Monica Reil, Carmen Pernudi, Esperanza Ortiz-Torres
Absent: None
Opening Prayer: Cece Barragan
Special Note: There was no December Core Meeting due to the Holidays and lack of Quorum.
ACTS Missions: Jose Manuel from San Antonio ACTS Missions called via conference call to remind us what our mission is with ACTS and some of the issues recently brought up with regard serving of team members. Jose Manuel wants to discuss the issue at hand with regards to Core Members serving on team or members of community serving on multiple retreat or consecutive retreats. With respects to teams the main goal is of serving the community but there should not be a sense of ownership or entitlement to serving on team. Serving on team is great but should not be the end all of what it is we do in serving in this ministry there is more to do in this Apostolate than just serving on team. What we need to understand that serving on team is not about us it’s about serving others and should not be treated as definite sometimes it may not be our call on serving on team. ACTS Missions does not want to micromanage the Core or this community on how the selection purpose of team shall be conducted but instead wants us to focus that Christ should be the focus and brining the love of God to others and meeting them where they are at. We must allow others to serve and minister who have not done so not just on team but in Leadership.
1 – Song: Heidi Rajput – Matt Maher (Lord I Need You )
2- Meditation: Joseph Montoya – Today’s Mediation is about the Epiphany or the manifestation declaration of Jesus Christ. The Gospel from this Sundays Mass on the Epiphany of our Lord was read. Joseph shared that it has been very difficult few weeks for him and that this Gospel provided an Epiphany of his own, like the Magi this team is beginning and incredible start but like the Magi this is not an easy task and is sometimes not recognized or understood by others and dealing with challenges that come with Ministry. If we as a Core only follow the Star like the Magi did we too can be able to progress and continue to work our community into a prosperous ministry for God. We have to use our gifts in unity and continue to follow that same star. Like the Magi we here on Core have been called to follow the star what gifts do each of us possess and how will we use these gifts to serve each other and ultimately our ACTS Community. Group discussion ensued as to how we as individuals and as a Core use our gifts to unify and expand our community into serving our Lord and his Church.
3 – Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes: Anthony Reil motions to accept November 3rd minutes and Marcela Martinez seconds the motion. Minutes for November were approved by Core. Core was unable to meet in the month of December due to Holidays and Communication.
4- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:
- Gerard De La Cerda could not be here today but wanted to express to Core that he is working on Tentative date for January Community Mass will be at Saint Andrews on January 25th.
- Father Jack shared that the Pastor at Mary Immaculate does not feel as welcomed by Core and the ACTS community and he recommends that we have a Spanish speaking member of the ACTS Community to reach out to Fr. Cesar and talk to him about our ministry and support his Parish.
5- New Buisness:
- We need three nominations from Core and or Community for the next men’s Directors emailed to Joseph ASAP via email.
- There needs to be someone who fills in vacancy for co-facilitator on Core as soon as possible to help develop schedule for this year and next year.
- Jorge motions that we approve the payment of the website fee for maintenance and upkeep of our ACTS Website and email. The Cost will be forwarded to all via email with final cost but is a minimal cost of no more than $150. Marcela seconds the motion to approve spending the funds. Core votes yes on spending the funds and were approved by Core
- Mission of 72 has not been as successful and we need to continue to raise more money to help offset increase cost of the Retreat Cost.
- Fundraisers need to be developed so that we can keep cost of retreat down but Joseph recommends that we increase the cost to only $200 per person as opposed to the actual cost of $223 a person so we will need to conduct these as soon possible.
- Joseph Motions we up the mission of 72 to 144 persons to commit so that we can get more scholarship money for more community to attend this life changing retreat. Anthony Reil seconds the motion and core approves that we up the 72 to 144.
- Marcela Motions to accept the woman’s list of team members to be considered by Pastors. Cece seconds the motion and core approves that the list be moved to the Pastors.
6- Coordinators Reports: All reports were briefly discussed and provided to each Core Member and discussed amongst Core.
7-Closing Prayer/Song: Closing Prayer – Francisca Aguirre – No Closing Song