Monday, January 4th, 2016 in Mary Immaculate Lounge

Present: Joseph Montoya, Jorge Ortiz, Anthony Reil, Heidi Rajput, Marcela Martinez, Francisco Villava, Ted Valle, Alex Guzman, Francisca Aguirre, Noemi Casteneda, Michael Marquez, James Forbes, Henry Castillo, Esperanza Ortiz, Lydia Carrizosa, Raj Rajput

Absent:   Fr. Jack, Cece Barragan

Opening Prayer: Joseph Montoya

1 – Song:  Heidi Rajput – Jeremy Camp “Not Ashamed”

2- Meditation: Francisca Aguirre expressed in her reflection that this being the New Year filled with resolutions that she heard a quote from Pope Francis regarding resolutions that we should put God in that part of coming closer to him.  In her reflection she expressed that we should be resolute in making ourselves get closer to God or make the effort in a variety of ways to get closer to God to grow in spiritually. Francisca asked us to share in small groups to share what we would like to do this year to grow in our resolutions to get closer to God.

3 – Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes:   Francisca Aguirre motions to accept December 7th Minutes and Heidi Rajput seconds the motion.  Minutes for December were approved by Core.

4- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:

  • Raj Rajput wanted to thank all Core members for answering the call to serve in this ministry. Raj also especially wanted to thank those Core Members leaving core this month as their commitments have come to an end in the ministry.
  • Carlos Martinez is looking to get direction as to offsite team and if Core does not have anyone currently in mind he can continue to help facilitate the offsite teams.

5- New Business & Coordinators Reports:

  • Joseph spoke about the upcoming ACTS Mission Training scheduled for January 9th for new Core members and Team Leaders. This meeting is sanctioned by ACTS Missions and they want us to attend the January 9th meeting via online that is Mandatory for both new core members and team leaders it will be held at the Father Simon Center.
  • Joseph spoke to the Pastor at Saint Ferdinand and he shared that he does not think that the ACTS Community has not been as involved in the Parish for example Eucharistic Adoration or helping at food bank etz. Joseph will be meeting with Pastor Carlos of MI and Father Webertt of Santa Rosa and also expects to hear some of the same concerns regarding the ACTS Community being more of a part of the Parishes and being proactive in the community.
  • Joseph advised that the incoming new core members will officially begin in the February and there are still several vacancies that will need to be filled by community and jobs and responsibilities will be filled by the two new members that accepted. The February meeting will be installation of these positions but there will be several vacancies that will need to be filled by at least some community members willing to help the ministry continue.
  • Retreat dates for 2016 are in place but Joseph mentioned that the incoming new core leadership needs to call both the Salisian Center or Saint Vincent De Paul Center to book the dates for 2017 and possibly 2017 dates.
  • Marcella Martinez expressed that the Christmas get together was successful and was a very great time. Marcella expressed that the turnout was very small but that the speakers were exceptional.
  • Anthony expressed that the Cards for finances have still not been assigned to ACTS and that he has had a meeting with Fr. Jack and Fr. Juan and they have advised that they will bankroll ACTS actives through the Parish until this issue is resolved. Anthony expressed that he will be writing checks outstanding to those owed money through Santa Rosa.
  • Jorge Ortiz expressed that he will have a training session for Core and community members that would like to help with the communication position and the responsibilities.
  • Noemi expressed that she is still waiting for her list approval from Pastors to start inviting women to team. Noemi would like to have the commissioning Mass for January 31st.  Noemi presented her application for the upcoming women’s retreat for core approval and core affirms the application.


6-Closing Prayer/Song: Closing Prayer – Jorge Ortiz – Heidi Rajput – No Closing Song