February 2013 Core Meeting Minutes
February 4, 2013 at Mary Immaculate Auditorium #1
Carmen Pernudi, Ricky Jones, Rosemary Moreno, Andrew Guerrero, Danny Lopez, Laurie Serrano, Rosie Cárdenas, Larry Ruiz, Sal Barrios, Deysi Martinez, Susan Castillo, Deacon Ken Elsey
Fr. Porfirio Garcia, OMI
Opening Prayer
Brief moment of silence followed by a prayer led by Deysi Martinez. Rosemary then played a song titled “The Lamb of God” by Twila Paris.
Review of Last Month’s Minutes
Carmen had a few changes to the minutes. Danny motioned that we accept last month’s minutes with these changes and Rosemary seconded that motion.
Citizen to Be Heard
The following issues were brought to the attention of the Core:
- Eugene Torres: He mentioned that some of the retreatants have asked if they can attend a retreat without being on team. Carmen clarified that this question has come up before and that to be a team member on retreat you must participate in the weekly formation process. If someone feels like they would like to go on retreat a second time as a retreatant there is no problem with that.
- Carlos Martinez: He suggested that the Directors and Co-Directors be made aware of the commitment that they are making. He also suggested that there be a group or outside team that can set up for Agape so that the team can remain as one body coming out of Candlelight and into Agape. Carmen explained that this is how the women have done it and that it is just the way it should be done. He added that they will be giving the binders with service and ministry information to the women’s team later this week. He asked if the women’s team could provide him with the dates and locations for Send-Off and Return Mass. He suggested that there be at least one Co-Director with experience to help out during the team formation and retreat. He also explained that the evaluation forms are all positive and that the retreatats and team members enjoyed the retreat. He gave a list of feedback to Carmen.
Old Business
The Core addressed issues brought up at the previous meeting.
- Easter Series: Ricky presented the Core team with a sample of the brochure he put together for the series including the purpose of the series, the speaker schedule, and a brief description about ACTS. He mentioned that the promotion committee has some worries about charging people to attend the event even though it would help to secure a commitment for attendance. The other option would be to make the event free to the public, which would require $1500 to pay the speakers stipends ($250/speaker). Ricky asked if ACTS would be willing to sponsor this event financially. He added that a free will collection could be made each night and the money collected from those donations could be returned to ACTS to cover the cost. Sal suggested that we hold a fundraiser to raise money since we don’t have the money available to pay this cost. Andrew suggested that we make it free but request donations. Danny asked what the capacity was. Deacon stated that it was around 200. Susan asked that if the Core and the ACTS community help to sell tickets that it would require we sell 100 tickets at $15/each for the six nights. Ricky asked that the Core decide whether or not it would be feasable to fund this event and whether or not we will be able to fit in a fundraiser before the series since it is coming up around the same time as the women’s retreat. Rosie asked how much money was available in our account that we could possibly use for this event. Rosie suggested that we use the money in our account while at the same time putting together a fundraiser for the upcoming women’s retreat. Sal motioned that we do not charge for the event, but request donations and that we set up a fundraiser for the women’s retreat. Deysi added that there are a few smaller fundraisers that her and the team would be willing to put on to help for the retreat. Danny seconded the motion. It was unanimously decided that the Core will cover the cost of the series with the understanding that the money collected from donation will be returned to ACTS.
New Business
The Core brought new ideas and issues to the table.
- Closed Core Team Meeting Held 1/28/13: Carmen explained that there was an email received from someone who didn’t think the scholarship fund was used appropriately. She added that the Core is putting together a response to this concern with the results of detailed research into our financial records.
Core Team Commissioning
The newly selected Core members were prayed over and welcomed to the St. Ferdinand Core team. Those Core members who were stepping down received a certificate of appreciation from the priests and parishioners of the St. Ferdinand community.
Selection of Administrative Roles
The Core team met privately and decided upon the following administrative roles:
- Facilitator: Carmen Pernudi
- Co-Facilitator: Joseph Montoya
- Communication Coordinator: Kathleen Greulich
- Spiritual Coordinators: Jorge Ortiz & Azucena Bonillas
- Retreat Support Coordinators: Larry Ruiz & Rosie Cárdenas
- Retreat Supply Coordinators: Danny Lopez & Heidi Rajput
- Social Coordinator: Cece Barragán
- Music Coordinator:
- Financial Coordinator: Sal Barrios
Gift for Fr. Frank Wanger, OMI
Jorge Ortiz presented Fr. Frank with a sterling silver “Fisher’s of Men” bracelet on behalf of the men’s retreat team for his “humble servant’s heart.
Next Meeting
The meeting will be held Monday, March 4th. Joseph Montoya will do the opening prayer and Cece Barragán will do the closing prayer. Joseph Montoya & Jorge Ortiz will bring snacks and Azucena Bonillas will be bringing drinks.
Closing Prayer
Rosemary played “If I Have Not Love” by Matt Redman. Danny Lopez led the closing prayer.