February 2015 Core Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 2, 2015 in Nordhoff House OMI
Present: Joseph Montoya, Jorge Ortiz, Francisco Villalva, Anthony Reil, Francisca Aguirre, Ted Valle, Marcella Martinez, Heidi Rajput, Cece Barragan, , Monica Reil
Absent: Fr. Jack
Opening Prayer: Jorge Ortiz
1 – Song: Heidi Rajput – No Music
2- Meditation: Joseph Montoya – Today’s Mediation is about the Gospel for Ash Wednesday and Joseph read from Letter of Saint Paul to Corinthians. Joseph discussed about the Lenten season and it being a time for us to reflect in the dessert much like Jesus and Saint Paul and others in scriptures did as well. The Gospel read on Ash Wednesday gives us the mission of working together and being the ambassador of God. Joseph played a song from David Kaufman and we had a group Reflection based on us as individuals how can we be ambassadors of Christ during this Lenten season and work for our ACTS Community.
3 – Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes: Francisco Villava motions to accept January 5th minutes and January 19th Special Meeting and Ted Valle seconds the motion. Minutes for January were approved by Core.
4- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:
- There were three members from community but no one had anything to sure during the Open Floor. Gerard will be sharing with Core during new business about the Community Mass and Pilgrimage. Joseph motions to accept Gerard Calendar for upcoming community Mass and Pilgrimage, Jorge seconds the motion to accept and Core approves the motion.
5- New Business:
- Gerard De La Cerda presented to Core a tentative schedule to Core titled A Journey Together in Mission for Community Mass the next few months. February 8th at Saint Ferdinand 12pm, March 8th at Mary Immaculate, April 19 at Saint Andrew in Pasadena. Gerard is proposing to hold community Mass on May 3rd Santa Rosa, June 14th Saint Ferdinand, July 12th at Mary Immaculate, August 9th Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Angels.
- 72 disciples was briefly discussed but will be tabled and we are still in need of someone from the community to chair this fund so that it can be followed up on since several people have committed but have not fulfilled their commitment.
- Marcela Martinez has given Core a Proposal for the upcoming ACTS 5 year Gala and the cost will be $35 a person to attend the Gala per person. Marcella advised that the $4500 raised at the Harvest Fest Fall Dance is going to defer cost to the Gala. The $4500 will defer the cost from $50 a person down to $35 a person. The harvest fest was not an official ACTS Function but all the proceeds will benefit the Gala which will be an official ACTS Celebration. Anthony motions to accept the proposal for the ACTS Gala and Cece seconds the motion all Core members vote unanimously approves the proposal.
- Jorge asked if the Core would be able to give a Love Donation to the Knights of Columbus for the use of their facility for the Catholicism and 7 Deadly Sins series at the Hall for the next several weeks. So far the Catholicism team has collected $116 from the participants and efforts to continue to collect donations to help the Knights for using their facility. Joseph advised to go back to Catholicism team and ascertain the exact amount needed from Core and we will table for next meeting after meeting.
- During the Month of January in our special meeting we went over a list of Directors that were nominated and were to be added to the Pastor list for approval. In today’s meeting Francisco motions we accept the list and submit to Pastors and Marcela seconds. Core approved the list and waiting for final approval of Pastors before next director is notified.
6- Coordinators Reports:
- All reports were briefly discussed and provided to each Core Member and discussed amongst Core.
- Anthony advised that he received the bill from Saint Ferdinand for the ACTS trailer and the cost of the insurance will be $200 every 6 months. Anthony proposed we have another meeting to further discuss the budget and the core will be meeting Monday February 16th at Marcela Martinez home.
- Francisco Villalva has volunteered to help along with his wife to start an ACTS quarterly news letter. Joseph will be contacting a few people that may be interested in helping with the Facebook Page so that more updates can be made along with more pictures and testimonials.
- Cece and Francisco talked about the upcoming ACTS Lent Retreat and have found a location and date for March 28th at Santa Rosa Saint John Paul II Hall. They are still preparing and need help with formulating this day of reflection.
- Monica spoke about her team formation and upcoming calendar for send off and return Mass. Monica provided a calendar and applications for retreat. Monica presented the woman that will be presenting talks and leading ministries and will make the list available to Pastors.
7-Closing Prayer/Song: Closing Prayer – Cece Barragan – Heidi Rajput – No Closing Song