Monday, February 16th, 2015 in Martinez Home

Present: Joseph Montoya, Jorge Ortiz, Anthony Reil, Francisca Aguirre, Marcella Martinez, Cece Barragan, Heidi Rajput

Absent:  Monica Reil, Fr. Jack, Francisco Villalva, Ted Valle

Opening Prayer:  Francisca Aguirre

1 – Song:  Heidi Rajput  – Phil Wickham (Glory)

2- Meditation:    Joseph Montoya – Today’s Mediation started with a reading from the Book of Job by Heidi Rajput and Joseph went on to share that this reading from the book of Job is the reading that will be shared for the start of Ash Wednesday.  In this sharing of the reading Joseph explained that Lent often is associated with sorrow but that Lent is not of period of mourning but of rejoicing as this reading proclaims.  During this Lenten Season we are called to offer up to God and rejoice and blow the trumpet to Zion and gather the tribes to rejoice.   We listened to David Kaufman “I make all things new”.  Open sharing on how we as a Core can work on communicating better to reaching out to one another and also to our community.

3- New Business:

  • Joseph and Anthony presented the Core Budget and also discussed the retreat budget. At our previous meeting we had seen the budgets and there were many questions and clarifications that needed to be made.  With the increase of the cost of hosting retreats at the Saint Vincent De Paul Center we need to continue to work on the mission of the 72 disciples funds and collect outstanding monies of those who committed themselves to donating in this fund raiser to help support and reduce the cost to attending the retreats and those supplies needed to continue to minister our Apostolit.  Joseph suggested as shared in previous Core meeting that a possibility in cutting budget cost that Carlos Martinez will be looking at saving money by renting rental passenger vans instead of chartering the bus company.   Thursday meal provided by Core is discussed in possibility of finding an alternative in reducing the cost of this meal.  Costco was discussed as an option with cold cuts and pizza at reduced cost to save money within the budget.  The current budget is set at $400 for the Thursday meal and core will discuss after finding alternative options for Meal if budget will be reduced to simplify meal and keep under the budget and possibly lower to $200.
  • Several items on the budget were discussed and removed including the Golden Book of Prayers to save funds. Coming down the mountain is a book we may still purchase but will bring it to the discretion of Woman’s team if they would like to continue to order these books which have an increased cost or if we should use an alternative book as Rediscover Catholicism which can be purchased in bulk and a much reduced cost.
  • Several items were itemized to save cost and will be presented at next core meeting and provided with new amounts and expenditures. These will also be able to be posted to minutes and website once core meeting is held in March.



Closing Prayer:  Heidi Rajput