Monday, August 3, 2015 in Mary Immaculate Auditorium #1

Present: Joseph Montoya, Francisca Aguirre, Jorge Ortiz, Anthony Reil, Ted Valle, Heidi Rajput, Cece Barragan, Juan Castaneda, Marcela Martinez

Absent:   Fr. Jack, Francisco Villalva, Alex Guzman

Opening Prayer:  Heidi Rajput

1 – Song:  Heidi Rajput  –  No Song Played

2- Meditation: Francisca Aguirre today shared about a personal story about her husband Andy Aguirre and his conversion story.  Francisca read from the Gospel of Mark and hearing God’s call to leave behind there fish nets and follow Christ.  Francisca talked about how Andy is an inspiration because of the way he serves the Lord with Zeal and Joy and it is contagious.  Francisca asked us present to reflect within ourselves how we can also serve with great joy and enthusiasm and what it is that may be holding us back.

3 – Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes:   Joseph motions to accept June 1st Minutes and Ted Valle seconds the motion.  Minutes for June were approved by Core.

4- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:

  • Emelee Ortiz presented to Community a Clothing Drive proposal for Mend in collaboration with the Knights of Columbus, ACTS and the St. Ferdinand Community. Joseph motions to accept the proposal and Anthony Reil seconds the motion, Core approves the proposal to have the first Service event for the year.

5- New Business:

  • Core Retreat is scheduled for November 7th and will be tentatively held at the Nordhoff house.
  • Francisca and Joseph discussed the possibility to switching to retreat center at Saint Salesians Center over at John Bosco High School for 2017.
  • Carlos Martinez recommended the Santiago Retreat Center in Orange County and there is a possibility of holding retreats there for a reduced rate. Francisca will look into this retreat center and ascertain the feasibility for 2017.
  • Cece discussed the SCC are still ongoing and forming. Cece discussed that the SCC communities are going great and she will have more updates.  Joseph asked if there are any upcoming bible groups for Thursdays when Ricky Jones finishes up his group.  Jorge suggested talking to Mario Murillo who will be getting ready to Start Auxiliary Bishop Fr. Barron Priest Prophet and king series.
  • Carlos Martinez has volunteers that will be chairing Men’s Retreat send off (Alicia Carrasco), Candlelight (Christian Cardenas), Return Mass (Cece Moreno). Carlos Martinez will be stepping down from chairing the Retreat Support and Noemi Castaneda will be taking over the responsibility.
  • Athony Reil is still working on receiving the Authorization of writing checks for ministry and is awaiting Fr. Webert return to finalize the authority.
  • Mission of 72 is ongoing but Marcela is still working on the collections of those that volunteered to donate. Jorge suggested sending an email blast to community to remind those that volunteered to start sending in there payments.  Marcela will write something up for Jorge to send out.
  • Anniversary Dance is up coming and Marcela would like for those who have committed to going and purchased tables to start making payments.
  • Golf Tournament planning is ongoing and Anthony stated that at the moment they have over 96 people signed up to play golf. Their goal is 75 people to make it successful and they are exceeding their goal.
  • Juan Castaneda asked how planning is ongoing for the Bus transportation and also they want to schedule a inventory so that they can plan what else they need to reorder. Juan said the return Mass is scheduled for Saint Ferdinand and they are working with them to make sure that they have access to the Hall.  Juan said they have had 6 men have not been attending the meetings and because of all the absences they officially have 33 team members.  Juan said there are four team members who have not made a payment yet but will be working with them.
  • Carlos Martinez is asking Core for seed money so that they can purchase shirts for the team members.
  • Juan is working with Maria Battageli who is out of State but still continues to help in making team tags and many other things. Juan asked if he could use monies from his budget to give her a gift of thanks for all the work and donations that she continues to make for ACTS.
  • Juan wanted to let Core know that there formation is very spiritual and the Holy Spirit is with them at every meeting and that they are all bonding and connecting and working as one body.



6- Coordinators Reports:

  • There were only two Coordinator reports sent and Francisca apologized and talked to Core about making sure she would send schedule and reminder sooner. Core decided that they will continue to send reports a week before meeting so that they can be reviewed.
  • Core Meeting was closed to just Core members so that the list can be discussed with the men’s team list for upcoming retreat.
  • 2016 Director and Core Team Selection Discussed but will have an additional meeting will be held on Wednesday August 19th to allow community to select names to be prayed on for selection.


7-Closing Prayer/Song: Closing Prayer – Jorge Ortiz – Heidi Rajput – No Song Played