April 1, 2013 Core Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 1, 2013 in Mary Immaculate Auditorium Room #1
Present: Deysi Martinez, Kathleen Greulich, Jorge Ortiz, Ted Valle, Mario Murillo, Azucena Bonillas, Cece Berragan, Carmen Pernudi, Rosie Cardenas, Joseph Montoya, Sal Barrios, Heidi Rajput, Danny Lopez, Fr. Porfirio
Absent: Fr. Frank, Larry Ruiz
1- Opening Prayer: Cece
Song: The Water of Life
2- Commissioning of Directors and New Core Team Member: Mario Murillo will direct the men’s retreat, Andy Aguirre and Ricky Jones will co-direct, Amateo Seno will be the spiritual guide. Ted Valle will be the music coordinator for the core team. There was a ceremony to install the new members. Mario spoke about the direction of the new men’s retreat team.
3- Open Floor for Non-Core Members: Ricky Jones gave an update on the Easter Series which will begin this week. He would like to know if he can continue blogging on the ACTS website. Jorge moves that Ricky continue, Kathleen 2nds; Ricky will continue blogging.
4- Review of last month’s minutes (3/4 & 3/18): Kathleen made minor adjustments to the 4th and 18th minutes. Cece requested the word ‘run’ to be changed to collaborate. Rosie moves to accept, Joseph 2nds, minutes accepted.
5 – Old Business:
- VIRTUS Training: Carmen attended VIRTUS training, Rosie volunteered her husband as a VIRTUS trainer, if needed. Fr. Porfirio would like ACTS core to be VIRTUS trained.
- ACTS Vision Strategy: Joseph reviewed the draft of a potential vision statement for ACTS and the potential for such a statement to provide a goal for ACTS to follow. Joseph will send out further information for creating a vision statement.
6- New Business:
- Catholicism Series: Joseph states that the discovering Catholicism series will be offered to St. Ferdinand’s after the Easter series. Jorge would like to offer it to Santa Rosa and will meet with Fr. Stan. Amateo is working on offering it to Mary Immaculate with the possibility for timing set to accommodate those women who are coming back from the ACTS retreat. Mario gave an overview of the course. The benefits of community vs ACTS only vs just men or just woman classes were discussed. A vote was taken and it was decided to have the course open to the community at large when offered to Mary Immaculate.
- Core Budget: Joseph reviewed the sample budget for ACTS core, ACTS scholarships, ACTS retreats.
- St. Ferdinand Church ACTS Core Team Planning: Joseph reviewed a sample calendar of events, and a schedule for core member duties for monthly meetings.
- Retreat Team Spiritual Formation Document: Joseph reviewed a sample format for retreat spiritual format.
- St. Ferdinand Church ACTS Core Team Proposal Form: Joseph reviewed a sample form
- Sample Men’s 2013 Retreat Schedule: Joseph reviewed a sample schedule. These sample items will be further discussed at future meetings.
- Director’s Training: To be offered April 7, 2-6pm, in the rectory at MI.
7 – Coordinators Report:
- Danny reported on the year of faith handout discussed last meeting, he is following up with the pastors and the printer to bring details to the core.
- Deysi reported on the fundraisers- the clothing donations filled the truck, Rosie states the hope of the valley will provide $1000 to ACTS. The 24th fundraiser made appx $1000. Deysi would like resources to allow the retreatants to stay connected to ACTS.
- Kathleen, Jorge, Ted, Mario had no updates.
- Azucena discussed her role in helping with the Catholicism series.
- Cece gave an update on the St. Ferdinand picnic, she is working with the churches to find a date for the event and to set up some meetings to begin planning. She also looked into Hollywood bowl tickets for a potential social event.
- Rosie has set up some meetings to work on sendoff/ home team activities, Rosie asks to have an additional core meeting to address retreat details on April 15. Jorge moves to have the meeting, Danny seconds, it was accepted.
- April 11 at 7pm will be the passing of the candle for the women’s retreat team at the women’s team meeting.
- Joseph discussed the sending of letters for retreatant families.
- Sal gave the financial report summarizing fundraisers, and funding for the Easter series. Heidi and Danny are working on getting table cloths cleaned for the retreat.
8 – Meeting Evaluation: the meeting was briefly discussed, overall it was decided that the meeting was good.
9- Next Meeting: April 15th food at 6pm, meeting at 6:30pm: Joseph and Rosie food, Azucena meditation, Jorge opening prayer, Heidi closing prayer
10- Closing Prayer: Sal