Monday, April 7, 2014 in Mary Immaculate Convent Room

Present: Azucena Bonillas, Francisca Aguirre, Mandy Franco, Heidi Rajput, Joseph Montoya, Marcella Martinez, Jorge Ortiz, Ted Valle, Francisco Villalva, Anthony Real, Joe Torres, Bea Rulli
Absent: Fr. Jack, Cece Baragan, Eddie Real

1- Opening Prayer Ted Valle

  • Song  Heidi Rajput (Revelation Song – Phillips Craig & Dean)

2- Meditation: Azucena Bonilla

  • Azucena read a mediation from Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio on The Original Meaning of Lent.  Group was invited on sharing what we think about the meaning for us.

3- Open Floor for Non-Core Members:

  • Gerard De La Cerda update on the Community Mass for April 27, 2014 at our Lady of Angeles Cathedral wearing red shirts and also for August 10th, 2014 at San Fernando Mission for 1200 noon Mass followed by Potluck picnic at Brand park after Mass. Request participation from the community to organize for potluck and fellowship after the Mass.
  • Jose Cardenas voiced concern that both Ben Cardenas and Ed Banuelos did not get invitation to serve on next Men’s Retreat.  Jorge will check and add them to St. Ferdinand Church ACTS email subscription.
  • Joe Torres was asked by Jose Cardenas if the selection of team had been finalized. Joe expressed that they still needed to have additional meeting with directors but at this moment they felt there had been sufficient effort made to reach community and changes would not be likely.
  • Carlos Martinez agreed that additional meeting was necessary and that they would send out there finalized list to Core for review and to present to pastors for final blessing.
  • Robert Pernudi suggest that we order additional ACTS Polo Shirts and continue to use same vendor.  Motions to Core for approval of ordering of shirts which will cost $1000.00.  Azucena motions to approve and Francisca seconds motion and approved by Core.
  • Carmen Pernudi request that we support Saint Francis of Rome fundraiser and promote it on St. Ferdinand Church ACTS website.  Joseph has been in communication with ACTS Mission and at their request can be added to website but will not be an official ACTS function.


4- New Buisness:

  • Order of Coming Down The Mountain and Golden Book Of Prayers book.
  • There was a motion from Woman’s Team to get approval for scholarships on a half and full basis depending on the needs of retreatants.  Jorge motions to accept partial and full scholarships and Ted Valle seconds the motion and approved by the Core pending Pastors approval.
  • Woman’s Team also motions that we approve half scholarships for Team members the approval of further monies must be brought to Core for further upon review of Directors.  Marcella Martinez motions to accept and Mandy seconds the motion.  Approved by Core and pending Pastoral approval.

6- Review of Last Meeting’s Minutes: Jorge motions to accept February minutes and Azucena seconds the motion. Minutes for February were approved by Core.  March minutes will be postponed for next meeting for review by Core and approval for May.
7- Coordinators Reports: Reports were not turned in on time and a discussion was had on turning these in a timely manner. It was discussed that there should not be much complexity in writing these but be simplified.

8-Closing Prayer/Song: Heidi Rajput (You Never Let Go – Matt Redman) – Closing PrayerJoe Torres

Download March 3 Core Minutes

Download April 7 Core Minutes